Befitting a milliner, Shilpa Chavan wears many hats in her multi- disciplinary portfolio
My artistic practice bridges the worlds of art and fashion by infusing unorthodox Elements-Methods, colliding uncanny raw materials, appropriating everyday found objects & imprinting new vistas
Unfolding layers of curiosity through installations, fashion, activism, scenography, immersive atmospheres, imaginary world-building, photography, millinery, films, performance; each encounter, from Sensory-Spiritual-Mechanical-Scientific-Subconscious, is individually crafted
A Science graduate, foraying into Fashion came from a curiosity for the Workings-Structures of objects. Her creative journey was initiated as an Artist much before she launched her fashion career and brand
Scaling down her art installation works she designs fashion under her eponymous label
‘littleshilpa’, handcrafting headpieces and sculptural adornments showcasing multi-disciplinary renderings within the fashion landscape - runway shows, editorial fashion shoots, campaigns
There have been several interesting collaborations with Walt Disney, BBC, Lady Gaga,
DHL, Audi, Mercedes Benz to name a few and her works have been featured in several international publications
Her Art Installation, Photography and Fashion works have been exhibited in India, France,
UK, Spain, Germany, Denmark and South Korea
A friend of both sciences and l’amour, her pursuits of wonder is an insatiable urge!
A Visual-Sensory-Cognitive landscape, sparking dalliances of Mind-Matter; my practice is an invitation to democratize art, cross-pollinate Ideas-Sensations, decipher existential queries and generate new experiences whilst surrendering to Fantasy-Possibility