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This season’s mathematics: Past x Present x Future
A touch of halcyon Eighties nights in technicolor splendour
A steady stream of present-day Beat Generation
And through the looking glass, into a hybridized tomorrow

This stylistic collision equates to Disco Denimals

A collection that marches to the tectonic beat of its own drum
Denim, for the most part, is second skin: accessible, casual and fuss-free, just like how easy it is today to visually crawl across timelines from your gadget of choice –be it nostalgia-invoking fashion, techno cadence or simply browsing through night crawlers of the moment
We take this ease and insouciance of denim, and put it through an even more malleable state

Harking animal iconography and discotheque imagery, Disco Denimals is an ode to the fun-loving, gig-hopping, iClouding crowd, for whom fashion meets Function-Motion-Individuality

It is also an homage to yesteryear bashes, replete with shine and gloss
And it is an invitation to a free-spirited tomorrow
Where to be, is to be Free

So get moving: send a ping, a beep, a mail, a tweet, a text…
Because the best party is always the one that’s coming up next

The collection
Disco Denimals comprises of a series of denim apparel, where the shifts are in rectangular slabs, to be adjusted and worn à la DIY style. The freestyle shape-shifting nature of the garments corresponds to the revelry-loving festive spirit of the moodboard. The shifts come with metallic cords, to be tweaked according to the wearer’s whim. The epaulets and head-pieces are all pleated with wings in mind, to evoke the buoyancy of both the zeitgeist of the moment and the disco-tinged era. The rainbow-coloured metallic pleats cascade over the denim, providing a sense of high-spirited flight and joyful exuberation.

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